King Tide Magenta Dawn, (King Tide Cafe Dawn) Brooklyn, NSW
One of my favourite places locally to just hang out is the Brooklyn Foreshore. At my ‘local’ café, you get awesome coffee and views at King Tide Cafe Brooklyn. So, I asked myself as I sat there one day, as a landscape photographer, not coffee drinker, why have I never shot dawn here?
The cloud forecast had looked great, 80% high cloud, so I prepared all my gear before bed. A quick check again, and agggghhh! – down to 20% high cloud and I thought, time for a few more minutes in bed. I awoke, remembered the poor forecast and set the alarm for 10 minutes more doze, and then something made me double check out the window, well there was indeed a little high cloud, but a lot more than 20%. I quickly got ready, and Plan B here I come.
Aaagggh! – Driving on the freeway there, I saw a massive traffic jam coming back the other way – that’s the way I would have to drive home. Too late now.
So I arrived at Brooklyn, a little later than I should, and set up quickly. I knew exactly where I had planned to shoot from, but would it work? The answer was – not quite what I thought, but a resounding YES as the colours changed… King Tide Cafe Dawn -What a keeper! Sometimes as a landscape photographer it is what you were not expecting is better than what you were expecting.
With these magenta sunrise colours, this would look wonderful as a landscape acrylic facemount on your wall.
EXIF:- Canon EOS5D Mk III ~ Canon 16-35mm ~ 1.3s blended ~ F11 ~ ISO 200
I took other images this morning as well – MV Sun Rise