This was taken on my very first dawn shoot, when I dragged my sorry self out of bed and then stumbled my way around the rocks at The Skillion in a comatose state trying really hard, and I mean really hard, to even get the horizon straight in the viewfinder. It all got better, however, when the sun rose, and in this instance I was able to frame the shot so that I was able to use the hand-shape in the clouds, and also frame nicely with the foreground rocks leading into the shot. Once the sun popped into the right place, it almost looks like a hand grasping the ball of the sun, and the waves just splashing nicely against the foreground completes the image.
I have since come to realise that on that morning I was more than lucky with the waves actually breaking where I wanted them to. ¼ second at F20, to get the blur effect on the waves, and a couple of neutral density grad filters held back the sky.