Berowra Creek. Cicada Sounds, Barnetts Lookout, Berowra Valley National Park
This is a high summer shot in Sydney and it was a little warm. We had also some very weird cloud formations, full cover at dawn and then wisps and patches during the day. A couple of days prior I was following the cloud forecast and it noted over 50% high cloud – that’s worth a shot! So I went out that night – to an absolute fizzer.
This night I couldn’t work out where best to shoot. There was a little cloud in the south west, aligned to the angle of sunset, but much more to the west and north-west. I figured I needed somewhere with a wide panorama, so despite having shot at Barnetts Lookout, in Berowra Valley National Park, a few times recently that was where I ended up. And indeed the clouds were in the wrong place.
I got this shot, (to the North West) in the end, climbing through many spiders’ webs and testing my dodgy-again knee on some slippery slopes. It’s overlooking one of the tributaries of Berowra Creek that I can’t find a name of.
Boy, it was hot, hot, hot – I could hardly see through the viewfinder.
And, of course, looking at the title, the cicadas were out in full force!