Brooklyn Morning Gold
I love getting out to Brooklyn and down to the waterfront. On this day, the clouds had been building previously for a day or so, and despite a fairly early rise needed, the alarm was duly set. I have a relatively full portfolio taken down near McKell baths, in line with how lovely it is, but not too many panoramas. I am also now being drawn to more golden light, rather than riots of reds and pinks. So I was hopeful of getting both.
And indeed, perched precariously hanging over the boardwalk rail, I set up and waited.
I ended up only taking one panorama in the end, as the light danced around a fair bit. However, the joy of panoramas is almost like the joy of getting the old films back form the lab. You sit and wait and Photoshop does its blend, and eventually you get the image pop up before you. You can then tweak to your hearts content. I had actually planned to use just the RHS of this image (no rail) but decided that the boardwalk gave it the real Brooklyn look.
And then that Golden Light – a real ‘a new day has dawned’ feel to the shot. So much Peace.
I love atmosphere, mood, point of difference… I’m considering this one for my bedroom…