Brooklyn Morning Burn, Kangaroo Point, NSW
This sunrise is from one winter Long Weekend. I had Insta-talked with my mate Jan the night before and said I would be ‘an outside chance’ for joining the Astro guys for a well-overdue catch up. For once, good intentions. However, it appears that not only am I an unsociable git at best, I am also unable to raise myself out of bed despite waking at 5am.
However! By 6am I was fidgety – can you believe it! So off I trotted to the Estuary at Kangaroo point near Brooklyn (10 min drive) not the Beach (one hour drive), and saw ‘that sunrise’ to my right. As I neared the Estuary the ‘heavy fog’ signs started flashing and as I drove down to the bridge that was pretty much it!
So, river fog is in fact grey. It’s not shiny and white. It’s dull. So I took a couple of frames and tut-tutted, had a wander off to find a better composition, and then looked back again. Well! It was like someone turned on the red light! I’ll take this one…
So I got this, but then my misfortune hadn’t ended for the morning. Who only took one battery? And who forgot their cleaning cloth? Who put a Big Stopper (in holder) onto damp sandstone at dawn and it fogged completely with dew – and then had no cloth to?
And, of course, who missed out on Brekky with the gang?