Berowra Waters Ferry Sunset
This truly is one I have waited for…
I had this image in mind for years. And there it stayed. Doing landscape photography like this, you need >really< good high cloud cover to even make it a possibility due to Berowra Waters being so far down in the steep-sided gorge. (Clouds like this maybe 2-3 evenings a year?). Each and every time I found myself at the eastern side of the ferry ramps at what looked like a good sunset evening, the sky would fizz. That’s a landscape photography technical term for all blue and/or grey! (Sometimes the clouds just totally disappear, as well! ) This evening was really no different at the outset, however the colour built over the time, and eventually peaked with a really intense orange/red show very high in the sky.
To add to the sky, the star of the show for this particular image, of course, is the Berowra Waters Ferry itself! And it needs to be in the right place! I was able to get in just three frames as the ferry left the ramp (too close) and crossed to the middle of the Waters (already too far away). It moves faster than you might think, especially with a really wide angle lens. At the time I was using a two-second self-timer, as well, to minimise camera vibration. Interestingly, not only had the ferry got too far away as the seconds ticked by, but the clouds also waned. It could have been a very real option that the ferry would have been loading vehicles on the other side for all of the peak colour!
So there you go. My Berowra Waters Ferry Sunset. Those who have purchased a calendar this year, that’s the story of February’s image for you. And how I just(!) got it.
Exposure is Canon R5 ~ Canon 16-35mm at 16mm ~ F11 ~ 0.5 sec ~ ISO 100